Current Projects

The forum for Comparative Research in Law and Political Economy (CLPE) provides a portal for scholars to engage in inter-disciplinary work in law, political science, economics, sociology, history, and human geography on a series of focused problems in the delivery of social goods and services under contemporary market frameworks. The decline of democratic capitalism has been characterized by declining effectiveness of the countervailing institutions of civil society and the ascendance of a series of market-oriented logics and policy priorities. The analysis and discussion undertaken by CLPE is currently focused on three related Research Nodes: the political economy of the corporations, the role of unions and worker representation, and the political economic analysis of markets.

In each Research Node the CLPE undertakes a series of projects. Projects currently being developed by the CLPE include:

Alternatives Modes and Methods of Collective Representation of Workers - an in depth review of alternatives to the Wagner Act model of trade union organization. For more information on this project, please contact Sara Slinn, Steven Barrett or Simon Archer.

Pension Funds in an Era of Financial Capitalism - a critical appraisal of pension funds role as financial market intermediaries. For more information on this project, please contact Cynthia Williams, Simon Archer, Chris Roberts, Kevin Skerrett, Sara Slinn or Johanna Weststar.