Comparative Research in Law and Political Economy Forum

CLPE is a Research Forum of Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Co-Directors: Sara Slinn, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, and Simon Archer, Goldblatt Partners LLP.

Founding Director: Peer Zumbansen, former Canada Research Chair in Corporate Governance in Knowledge Society, Osgoode Hall Law School; Professor of Transnational Law, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London.

Past Directors: Fenner Stewart, Acting Academic Co-Director (2009-2010), Candidate, Osgoode Hall Law School; Sujith Xavier, Acting Academic Co-Director (2009-2010), PhD Candidate, Osgoode Hall Law School.

The forum for Comparative Research in Law and Political Economy (CLPE) provides a research forum and portal for scholars interested in problems in the delivery of social goods and services under contemporary market frameworks to engage in interdisciplinary work in law, political science, economics, industrial relations, sociology, history, and human geography. The decline of democratic capitalism has been characterized by declining effectiveness of the countervailing institutions of civil society and the ascendance of a series of market-oriented logics and policy priorities. The analysis and discussion undertaken by CLPE has, since 2004, focused on three types of institutions and actors throughout this transformation of the welfare state in an era of transnationalization and globalization of production, and its implications for law and political economy: the role and political economy of the corporation, the role and political economy of unions and worker representatives, and the political economic analysis of markets. Whether concerned with the differences between the common law or the civil law, the differences between the varieties of capitalism or the claims to democratic governance in groups and organizations around the world, it is clear that a single scholarly perspective is not sufficient to illuminate these growing complexities. Drawing on a wealth of experience and knowledge of its Fellows and collaborators, the CLPE is a meeting point for researchers, policy analysts and practitioners.

The CLPE was established in 2004 and was initially funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Innovation Trust and Osgoode Hall Law School.

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